Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Well here it is, the end of June already, before long it'll be fall and hunting season again. Big news, we finally moved into our new home. A couple weeks over a year in the 5th wheel; going from two small rooms to too many, now Pam and I can get lost from each other.
A change in life, last month my Dad passed away at 81 years old. I sure miss hearing his stories and adventures. He was so proud of us building on the family homestead. The property has largely been abandoned with no care for over twenty years. We are now the fourth generation to live on it, A tradition that I hope lasts a lot longer.
Last week the Fountain Green 2nd ward had their annual campout. A remote but well cared for area several miles up Water Hollow Road. A big thanks to Dave and Linda Christensen for their generosity and friendship. I didn't have time to add music but here is a small slide show of a few of the great ward members that enjoyed the evening.
Please feel free to add photos, stories, family and community events.

Don Despain

1 comment:

Joseph L. Puente said...

Hey, Don.

Great video and photos. Sorry to here about your dad.

FYI, I'm looking for bids to tape a television pilot in Mt. Pleasant. We'll be filming for two weeks in August and want to do the project in HD. Drop me a line and we'll talk.
