Friday, January 23, 2009

My Ancestors

We are so happy to be part of this community. My ancestors on several branches settled Fountain Green, something I'm proud of and will always honor and respect their perseverance, hard work and dedication to the community and their church.

Bishop Robert L Johnson was the Bishop of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for over 23 years. WOW ... not much more to say than WOW. His wife Polly Ann Guyman Johnson was the Relief Society President for over 33 years ... again WOW!

They owned the local store and also the Fountain Green Hotel. Many times President Brigham Young as well as various Apostles would stop and spend the night when visiting the Manti Temple. Uinta Springs, now Fountain Green does have deep roots, dedicated people and generations who are thankful for what they have done for us.

Don Despain

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fountain Green Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby

Yes the snow is melting and the cars are ready to race. Every hot rod in town showed up for the annual speed challenge. What a crowd ... the excitement was overwhelming and the drivers, pit crew and spectators had a show to remember.

The Scouts presented the colors, a rousing Pledge of Allegiance, opening prayer and Cub Scout Oath. Fun and patriotism filled the city elementary school. Fun was had by all and yes ... the boys all built and developed the most fuel conservative vehicle in the county.

Thanks to the race commentator and his electronic race track, the scout leaders, the parents and friends but especially the boys for giving us all a great evening of fun and adventure.


Tuesday, January 6, 2009

It's That Time of Year

Yup, it the time of year to get the snow pack off the old home roofs. After a couple of weeks of melting and a new storm on the way I had doubts the roof could support a lot more. Today throughout the town I saw several citizens doing the same thing. Sure need the water for next spring and summer but does make a lot of work. Love it ;)

Monday, January 5, 2009

Empty Nest Home Evening

A great time was had by a few couples from the 2nd Ward. What a great idea, a way to socialize and share experiences, learn and have fun ..... and don't forget the treats. Heck I don't know what they were called but I had three of them, a tasty cheese cake thingy with a cherry on top. I'm not a gourmet chef just a big eater of anything sweet and they were indeed good.

A big thanks to Wendell & Melba for inviting us into their home.

Pam thought up a great string game where the length of the thread represented our lives. Each wrap of the string around our fingers required a short statement of something important in our lives. It was interesting hearing what was important, fun and exciting in each of our lives. A great way to make new friends.